Incurance for Working People

We buy insurance to reduce worry. Whether for car, home or health, we like to know we could handle a problem in the future that would exceed available dollars, should a large, unplanned expense hit all at once. For the most part, it works when people have the ability to buy it.

But there is a form of insurance that carries no premiums, no contracts and many people don’t realize they even have it. If you are employed, you have access to extra cash through payday loans . This is the means by which you get money on short notice by borrowing against your next paycheck through a third-party lender.

This provides what many used to use a credit card for. If you had a line of credit, you could get some cash or simply pay for things with plastic. But with fewer people holding or using credit cards – or unwilling to pay sky-high credit card interest charges – payday loans have become a reasonable substitute. That cash access is typically used for essential expenses, including the following:

Money for emergencies – Whether a medical, dental or automotive emergency, it is not unusual for a $1000 expense to pop up out of nowhere. Some states limit the size of payday loan to $350, others $1500 and a handful have no limits.

Cash to pay bills – Late payment on bills can incur penalties, higher interest charges and overdraft fees, all of which can be avoided with the use of paycheck cash advances .

Dollars for unplanned travel – Some occasions are joyful and some tragic, but it happens to many from time to time that they must rush off to visit family or friends at a moment’s notice. With extra cash, plane or train tickets or gasoline can be purchased within a day

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